ʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ Ulrich's yard

Welcome to my yard 👋🏽

My little corner of the internet where I occasionally keep notes on various topics of interest and document some snippets of my learnings and hobbies. I also share stories, either my ones or borrowed from other sources.

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I'm a well-rounded and customer-centric technologist with a combined 6+ years of experience across tech, product management and operations.

My personal mission is to contribute my humble bit to the creation of productive and sustainable communities and societies across Africa and beyond.

I’m currently helping merchants and businesses collect payments and grow their revenues with Diool.

Prior to that,

I worked as a consultant with Dimagi to support some global partners with their public healthcare programs across Africa and Southern Asia.

I led the launch of Apple Pay as a payment option within the technical operations team at Peach Payments.

I co-founded Saada - acquired on Aug 22 - and led the research, design and development efforts to acquire first users and generate initial revenues.

⎆ Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn

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